Highlanders beat Moraga, 25-18 and 25-10 Serving was solid from the Highlanders: Hayden Payne had a string of great serves, as did Nicole Cosares and Taylor Chow with 7 aces, and Reina Lowe with 5. Noelle Lautt made many hits and 2 kills, Clare Keating had 5 kills and 3 saves, while Maya Niruluta had 5 kills and solid hits.
The Highlanders were lulled into complacency with an easy 1st game win (25-8) against Berkeley Willard. Gelly Miller and Hayden Payne served strongly, Payne with 6 aces. In the second game, Willard was transformed and passed by the stunned Highlanders to win the game 20 - 25. It was an intense third game with Willard and Piedmont exchanging the lead up to point 12. Piedmont held on to win 15-13 with Kelli Nguyen, Taylor Chow, and Reina Lowe constant in their serving, and Clare Keating with 3 kills and multiple passes. Maya Kiruluta had a beautiful tip at the net.